Cancel your plans to hit up Barcelona or London next summer. Hamburg is the place to party.
In a study done by HostelWorld, made up of more than 4,000 people across 27 countries & 40 cities, Hamburg, Germany was found to be the world’s best place to go out at night.
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Hamburg was decided to be the world’s best nightlife based on a test of 5 separate categories regarding each destination. These categories included the overall quality of the nightlife, friendlessness with the town locals, easy/costly navigation, how safe people felt in the city, and of course cost. Hamburg, a less touristy foreign location with tons of nightlife variety was apparently the overall winner of this thorough investigation. From the looks and sounds of it the city sure does seem to warrant the label.
I’ve never been to Germany, but I know exactly where I will go if I ever make it out there now. The town has a wide array of different types of bars and attractions and made it the top of a list full of great other cities. The rest of the cities go as follow:
- Hamburg (Germany)
- Copenhagen (Denmark)
- Berlin (Germany)
- Dublin (Ireland)
- Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- San Francisco (United States)
- Göteborg (Sweden)
- Prague (Czech Republic)
- Varsovie (Poland)
- New York (United States)
I’ve had the pleasure now of writing 2 articles about Hamburg, Germany. Read up on the time one of their biggest supermarkets took a unique stand against racism.