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People Have Been Burning Snow To Prove That ‘China Has Been Sending Fake Snow to the US’

TikTok users are generating conspiracy theories about fake snow which has apparently landed in certain parts of the US.

Image Credit: @sarahmojo/ TikTok

Have you guys seen the latest TikTok thing about burning snow? Yeah, it’s about as weird as it sounds. Recently, I feel like TikTok is just getting weirder with its trends. Like, what was that one about everyone buying a curling mouse and it bringing your naturally curly hair you didn’t know you had before? 

Basically, TikTok has gone bonkers with lockdown, but haven’t we all? But this recent trend seems more outlandish than usual. Users are now burning snowballs to try and convince the viewers that the snow is fake. I mean, what?! 

What these videos show is snow being burnt by a candle. And the snow’s reaction to the flame is completely normal. But, needless to say, the viewers haven’t quite approached them with the same level of common sense. Henceforth, these videos have gone viral. 


For all the people that said I edited the video … here’s one within 60secs #fyp #texasblizzard #snowsnotmelting #whatsgoingon conspiracytheorist

♬ original sound – Sarah
Image Credit: @sarahmojo/ TikTok

The weirdest thing about this video is that some people genuinely believe the fake snow came about as a spawn of the dreaded COVID-19. Yes, that’s right. Trust me, I wish I was joking. These viewers state that China has sent fake snow to the US in a bid to convince us climate change is real. Guys, watch out, China is after us! 

Obviously, this is all complete tosh. But the conspiracy theory is so popular because Texas was hit with a massive winter storm that gave snow to loads of areas that never usually see it. So, a lot of virgin snow-ers are naturally asking a lot of questions. 

Anyway, whether you choose to believe it or not, it is undoubtedly of lockdown’s effect on us all. Read of other TikTok trends here

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