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Here’s How Much Top YouTubers Earn… Yes, Really

Move over, PewDiePie, you’ve been dethroned…

Credit: YouTube/PewDiePie

We’ve all heard rumors about the elite highest-earning personalities on YouTube, and their seemingly infinite piles of content-creation money. But today we finally get answers- is there any real truth behind these claims? Top Dollar gives us the answers.

Using publicly available Youtube analysis resources such as SocialBlade and Vidooly, financial advice blog Top Dollar has compiled an impressive visualization of the top-earning YouTubers per country:

Image from Top Dollar

What I want to know is: who are the richest of the rich on a platform as bustling and over-saturated as YouTube? Let’s take a look at our top 3- the results might surprise you.

1. Like Nastya

In first place, we have Like Nastya– officially the highest-earning channel in the world. Like Nastya is perhaps the antithesis of inappropriate and foul-languaged content creators such as PewDiePie, with her channel comprised of child-friendly content featuring toys, makeup, and her family members. The channel currently stands at 58.3 million subscribers, and rakes in a whopping $7.7 million per month

2. A4

Next up we have A4, a Belarus-based vlog and challenge channel with over 21 million subscribers, and over $2.2 million in monthly earnings. Interestingly, this channel is also targeted towards children with accessible and kid-friendly entertainment.

3. PewDiePie

Lastly, we have the oft gossipped-about reigning king of YouTube Pewdiepie. With 106 million subscribers and a monthly income of $1.16 million, his numbers are still nothing to sneeze at. While many may have expected the famed (and sometimes infamous) let’s-player-turned-internet-personality to be YouTube’s biggest cash cow, the numbers show that Pewdiepie misses out on the title- and by a wide margin.

Is this just a fluke? Or are the tides of YouTube fame changing? Perhaps this is a sign that family-friendly content is lined up to become the next sweeping YouTube trend? What’s next for the young millionaires driving the platform? And most importantly, is anyone else regretting their choice of profession yet?

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