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Food & Drink

VIDEO: Melting Candy Accompanied by Classical Music is Mind-Blowing

A surprisingly good pairing!

A surprisingly good pairing!

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I love watching things melt…it’s fascinating. One of my personal favorites has always been pouring hot water on ice. But now, the wonders of modern technology have opened up a whole new realm of possibilities in the wonderful world of melting stuff. You can slow it down, speed it up, set it to music….but one of the coolest, I think, is watching the process in reverse.

In one of his latest offerings YouTuber Erwin Trummer experiments with all of these modes – setting visuals of melting candy to a background of classical music. The result is magnificent.

There’s something very satisfying about watching something slowly melt and ‘unform’ into a nebulous blob…but seeing it in reverse is maybe even better. My favorites are the gummy bear and bunny because it’s like they kind of wake up or come to life before your eyes….IT’S ALIVE! as Dr Frankenstein said.

And the classical music is the perfect accompaniment. I wonder what the grand master composers would have thought if they were able to travel through time and see how we’re using their work. I wonder if they’d be like, ‘Wow…cool….that’s awesome…I wouldn’t have thought it was possible but you’ve improved it….you have ‘completed’ my work!’ Or would they be like, ‘this is some bullshit…this whole world is bullshit….take me back to the 16th century at once’. Chances are though, they would be creating their own YouTube videos of melting candy…or something.

For another great example of creative excellence and dopeness, check out Awesome Lego Model Of Nike’s Latest Runner – The VaporMax!

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