Pickles on a burger or in egg salad are quite normal and tasty – for those out there who actually like the preserved veggie. But what about pickle juice straight from an icy soda glass?
The inventive folks at Grandpa Joe’s Candy Shop have recently come up with their newest selling item. Pickle Juice Soda. If you love puns and pickles, this is the drink for you. The brine-y delight comes with the tagline:
“If you’re the kind of pickle lover who relishes all things pickled, this is gonna be a really big dill.”
And contrary to what many people think the drink will be like – vinegar-y and acidic – it’s actually quite sweet. Sugar cane makes up the base of the refreshment. So this makes the soda taste more like pop with a hint of pickle rather than straight-up brine.
“You’re brain prepares you for the taste of pickle juice (like right from the jar). It smells just like dill pickle juice as you might imagine. The taste is spot-on.
While the flavor isn’t overwhelming, it’s sweet and would definitely satisfy that pickle craving.”
You can pick up one of these new beverages for $2.50 from Grandpa Joe’s, based out of Pennsylvania and Ohio. If you’re anywhere else, you’ll have to ship an online order for $9.99.
Though the price is a bit higher than your average jar of pickles or can of Coke, it still sounds worth an iron-stomach try. Otherwise, feel free to mix a little left over lemonade from your fridge with that five-month old jar of pickles you’ve kept around. Should taste about the same.
If you thought pickles were just weird fermented veggies, click here to see how they can cure hangovers.