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5 Crazy Reddit Stories From When Ex-Homeless People Were Homeless

“You need to move or you are going to die”.

The homeless life is rough to say the least. Those unlucky enough to find themselves surviving on the streets are often tormented or are interacted with by total strangers on a near daily basis. Perhaps out of curiosity, perhaps to raise awareness, a Reddit thread asking “Ex-homeless redditors, what was the scariest thing that you ever saw on the streets?” has accrued  nearly 10,000 comments since its creation 10 days ago. Here are just 5 of the craziest stories on that thread:

#1. A Man Choking On His Cigarette

Smoking, Cigarette, Man, Male, Tobacco, Nicotine
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Not that scary, but one time i was on a park bench just killing time. This homeless dude that everyone called “red” was at another bench. He came up to mine, and asked if i would watch his shit while he slept for a bit, and i said yes. So he layed down next to me, and after awhile he sat up for a cigarette.

About 3 drags in, he starts coughing and his face turned all purple FAST. Never realized how fast people turn purple from lack of oxygen. He fell over on his side, and i jumped up and gave him a little smack on the back a few times, and i kept yelling at him to get up. I was hesitant to call an ambulance cause of hospital bills that he obviously wouldnt be able to pay, but right as i took my phone out to call (he had been unconscious for like 30 seconds at this point) he starts gasping and gets up.

I asked him if he was ok, and all he says is “fucking COPD” and then takes a drag of the cigarette that he never even dropped the whole time that happened. Blows my mind he didnt drop it

Reddit user YaBoyDaveee

#2. Being Tormented By Kids

Bench, Park, Square, Night, Dark, City, Wet, Drops
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Kids beating the shit out of a homeless man.

Started with them spitting on him. He gets up and runs after them, then a couple of them hit him from behind with some ikea looking wood(you know the one that snaps easy) He gets mad and they run off. He comes back to the bench and falls asleep again.

Ten mins later they’re back and they just start beating the fucking shit out of him. I had to jump in and stop them.

Reddit user breaking_my_balls

#3. Almost Dying From Frigid Nights

People, Man, Guy, Cold, Night, Dark, Street, Light
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Cold weather. I thought I was going to die one night I was so cold. I remember waking up thinking “you need to move or you are going to die”.

Reddit user whatPortsDoUHaveOpen

This was the scariest thing for me. I ended up sleeping in busses, burning Sterno (it’s like jellied rubbing alcohol that burns for a good while), I would try to constantly be walking cause if I stopped I’d probably fall asleep and die. I also sometimes rested under a bridge from time to time.

One time I fell asleep under the bridge and I woke up finally feeling warm and cozy and thought it was nice to finally be able to rest… Then I realized that it’s way too cold for this and I can’t move without that frozen fingers pain everywhere. Struggled real hard to get my Sterno out and could barely bend my fingers enough to light it. Like my hands were nearly useless.

Reddit user El_DOOM

#4. Almost Stabbed and Rapped

Killer, Knife, Mystery, Thriller, Horror, Crime
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Lots of stabbings and rapes. I was stalked by a gang one night on my way “home” from work. I still have no idea how i wasnt raped or mugged. Once i woke up suddenly to a not homeless man holding a huge knife staring at me inside the abandoned buildings basement i was sleeping in. Once he noticed i was awake he asked if i was russian. I said no and he said he was looking for a different girl, gave me 20 dollars and left.

Reddit user dontniceguyatme

#5. Hearing A Murder

Automobile, Blur, Car, Police Car, Police Tape, Vehicle
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Not what I saw, what I heard, if that counts. For a while I slept in an empty warehouse, I’m in the UK, so it was a huge Victorian building with about six floors. I slept on the third or fourth floor, out of the way of ‘casual’ intruders (drunks and prostitutes used that space) and one night I heard a load of shouting and a female screaming from the ground floor. Now I was 16, a junkie and about 120lbs, so I wasn’t in any position to do much, but I crept down the steps to see what was happening. By the time I got there, the place was empty and the noise had stopped so I went back upstairs.

I found out the next day they found a body in the wasteland outside. Turns out the woman was a prostitute, they assumed her client stabbed her after a struggle and she’d made a run for it before he caught her and finished the job. Always wonder if I’d been able to help, but I’d have probably got stabbed too.

Reddit user L1A1

Most of us knew being homeless is horrible. However, after hearing these jaw-dropping stories, your heart can’t help but sink. When you really think about it, this Reddit thread features those lucky enough to pull themselves out of that involuntary dark place. But for the unlucky ones — the over 300,000 people in the UK and the over 500,000 in the US — every day is a struggle and fight just to survive. There are so many websites out there with helpful information and strategies to help combat this tragedy. Take a look and make a difference!  

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