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USA Vs. Japan: Royal Robot Rumble Date Revealed

Giant. Fighting. Robots? Stay tuned.

Images Via

Japan and America have waged war on each other—the ultimate robot war! The challenger, American company MegaBots, Inc., reached out to Japan’s Suidobashi Heavy Industries back in 2015 with a summons to contest.

MegaBots, Inc., a fairly younger company than Suidobashi, got wind of Korogo Kurata’s gigantic robot, decided to go big or go home, and issued an ultimatum. Creators of MegaBots, Inc. Gui Cavalacanti and Matt Oehrlein proposed: “We have a giant robot, you have a giant robot. You know what needs to happen. We challenge you to a duel.”

This epic battle has since been delayed and pushed back several times, leaving eager fans wondering if their battle may actually happen—until now. Finally, MegaBots released an official announcement on April 5, 2017. Even their videos are epic. Watch this:

August 2017 it is! But we still want to know where these massive robots will be fighting to the deaths. That bit of information, however, is still diabolically confidential—thank you very much.

Now, the real question is: will you be a true patriot and support the United States in this time of war, or are you willing to go against your own country and join forces with the Japanese?

Before you make your final answer, let’s review. It has been over a year since the challenge was made, after all. You’re probably still a little rusty on your robot stats.

Let’s start with MegaBots, Inc.’s MegaBot Mark II. This mean metal machine is 15 feet tall, 12,000 lbs. and built to rip and slice through steel (which just so happens to be Suidobashi’s specialty). Not only can the Mark II squat, roll, and fight, but it also has guns that can fire paint cannonballs at 100 mph.

MegaBots, Inc. raised their funds for this bipedal, steel-killing automaton through Kickstarter, gathering a whopping $2.4 million. They also sell merchandise on their website, where you can support the war by buying t-shirts, posters, and even iron-on patches.

“Strap in and get ready. Things are about to get absurdly epic.” – MegaBots, Inc.

Introducing Suidobashi’s giant robot Kuratas, built of premium steel, weighing in at 9,000 lbs., towering 13 feet tall, and loaded with guns, this machine is surely a match for America’s Mark II. It’s equipped with a very advanced HUD display, targeting system, and 6,000 rounds-per-minute BB batling gun that’s triggered by smiles—yes, smiles.

Korogo Kurata, the robot’s creator and company CEO, paid for the robot completely on his own, claiming that it would be easier rather borrowing money and having to pay it all back. His company, launched in 2012, is older than MegaBots, Inc. by two years. Who knows if this may give him an advantage in this fight.

“I want to punch them to scrap and knock them down to do it.” – Korogo Kurata

So, have you decided?

Japan may have a technological advantage over the U.S. but can Kuratas withstand brute strength and overcome Mark II’s massive size? Each robot will display unique aspects of each countries’ individual engineering culture, and maybe even reveal their weaknesses.

AUGUST 2017. Stay tuned.

While you’re waiting for this epic clash of engineering skills, check out Mexico’s Tequila Rain Clouds.

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