The Mexican crime telenovela series – High Heat was created by José Ignacio Valenzuela. Ignacio was also involved in Who killed Sara.
High Heat received mixed reviews from critics after it was released.
With its 39 episodes of juicy yet cringe-worthy lines, long-smoldering looks, and plenty of shirtless moments, Netflix’s High Heat made an impression on viewers.
Netflix has not yet made any comments regarding the renewal of High Heat for season 2.
Due to the mixed reviews, it’s hard to say whether the Mexican drama will make a return to the streamer or not. Netflix’s High Heat might be a stand-alone series.
However, it’s still early days, and it hasn’t even been a month since the telenovela debuted on Netflix. So there is still a lot of time before the streamer makes an official decision. The decision depends on the overall response of the viewers.
According to What’s On Netflix, in the first three weeks of High Heat’s release, it “fared well” with viewers while making their way through its episodes. However, it was described as a potential “slow burn”, meaning that it could find its momentum a little late compared to other series.
All 39 episodes are currently ready to stream on Netflix.
For more updates regarding High Heat, please stay updated on our website.