Dead to Me is a recently concluded American black comedy television sequence that stars Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini as two mournful females who bond during treatment. The show was created by Liz Feldman and executively produced by Feldman, Will Ferrell, Adam McKay, and Jessica Elbaum. It made its debut on Netflix on May 3, 2019, and the first season welcomed positive reviews.
The show was renewed for another run by Netflix In June 2019 and aired its second installment on May 8, 2020. The show ended with its third season, which came out on November 17, 2022, with thirty episodes. Because of its plotline and outstanding performance, the show accepted four nominations comprising Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series.
The plot of the show is about a companionship that blossoms between Jen, a newly widowed real estate dealer established in Laguna Beach, California, attempting to come to terms with her loss through therapy, workout, and other procedures, and Judy, the hit-and-run driver whose fiancé broke up their relationship. The show illustrates struggles about how these personalities overcome their struggles and end up forming a deep connection with each other.
The series stars Christina Applegate, Linda Cardellini, James Marsden, Max Jenkins, Sam McCarthy, and Luke Roessler. After the positive reviews, it stands an average rating of 6.5/10. It was announced by Netflix back in 2019 that this series had been watched by over 30 million subscribers within the first month of its release.
The show can be seen and enjoyed on the OTT platform Netflix.