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Our favorite misfits from Hawkins, Indiana will make their highly anticipated comeback this summer. The cast returns for season three of Stranger Things and their bringing even more of the 80s nostalgia we’ve come to know and love them for.
Without giving away too much of the upcoming plot, the trailer reminds us that the kids we met in season one are certainly not kids anymore (quite literally) and that 80s music is still America’s finest export.
We see Eleven, Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and other familiar faces try to continue on with their lives the right side up during Summer vacation after visiting the Upside Down. They visit the pool and try to retain some normalcy in their youth, but it appears Eleven’s first experience at a mall is cut short by a familiar Demogorgon.
By the time the July 4th, 2019 premiere arrives, it will have been almost two years since we’ve been in the Stranger world, but keeping the audience’s attention has never been a problem for Netflix. Until then, I’ll be in my own teenage wasteland and binge watching season one and two.