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This trailer is so good, the creator should get a film editing job!
Everyone must have watched, ‘Back to the Future’, right? (If you haven’t, then where the hell have you been!?) But, it really was one of it’s kind and the fact that a ‘Back to the Future 4’ has been thought about is sending some fans over the edge!
Many people, thinking the trailer was real, were in a frenzy, claiming that the original film is a masterpiece; remaking it would be a total crime. Do you agree?
Luckily, the trailer is only fan-made. Although, it shows some pretty great editing skills that would put some Hollywood trailers to shame! Take a look:
Pretty awesome right?
If you fancy having a go at making things like this yourself there are plenty of video editing websites out there with which to do. Give it a go!
For more, check this out! (It’s an insight into Game of Thrones- come one, you have to take a peek!)