Willow is a recently released Disney+ original that is a sequel to the 1988 film of the same name. The fantasy adventure series focuses on an unlikely group of six heroes who decide to go on a dangerous quest to places far beyond their homes. The episodes will show their struggles as they face their inner demons and come together to save their world.
The series involves characters written by George Lucas. It is developed by Jonathan Kasdan and stars Warwick Davis, Ellie Bamber, Ruby Cruz, Erin Kellyman, Tony Revolori, Amer Chadha-Patel, and Dempsey Bryk. The show’s first two episodes have been available for streaming since November 30, 2022, and the upcoming episode is scheduled to debut on December 7, 2022.
Warwick Davis has returned for his role of Willow Ufgood, a dwarf sorcerer who leads a party to rescue the twin brother of a princess. Unfortunately, fans will not be able to see Val Kilmer returning as Madmartigan. The actor had throat cancer, and his journey back hasn’t been carefree despite being free from the disease. The treatment has rendered him short of breath, making it harder for him to perform.
The actor was previously seen in the 2022 film Top Gun: Maverick, where he used his original voice, but it, too, had to be digitally altered to give the desired effect. It has been reported that he has been working with Sonantic to recreate his voice using AI technology digitally, and it is done so that it can be used for future projects.
Since no one can see the future, fans can still hope that he might return since the actor shared his wishes to return to this role.