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‘Too Hot To Handle’ Season 4: The Real Reason Behind Nick And Jawahir’s Break Up

Too Hot To Handle
Image Source: Fremantle

Despite leaving Too Hot to Handle Season 4 in love and worth $89,000 richer, Jawahir Khalifa and Nick Kici have broken up since then. As they genuinely opened up to one another and changed, many people cheered on the Detroit yoga enthusiast and the Amsterdam beauty. Nick and Jawahir are currently talking about their breakup and some of the facts of their failed relationship.

The reason for Jawahir and Nick’s split was recently disclosed during an interview by Jawahiron, The Wayne Ayers Podcast. Although Jawahir claims she never cheated on Nick, she also stated that she believed Nick did so. She said that they were “both” to blame. She claims that Nick occasionally openly flirted with women in front of her and that he deleted those chats from his phone so that Jawahir couldn’t see them. Jawahir describes a specific incident that happened while they were doing yoga. Nick hesitated to address Jawahir as his girlfriend and chose to remain silent. Jawahir further claims that she later discovered Nick was exchanging messages with another girl.

After the season was over, Jawahir has only been friendly with Nick. On the other hand, Nick is the most hurt of the two and is also the leading cause of their breakup. While Jawahir tries to keep her privacy and distance from him, viewers have seen him engaging with fan pages on social media.

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During a recent trip to London, the two were spotted with other cast members, while Nick was seen with a girl who could have been his ex. It’s reasonable to assume that Nick and Jawahir’s Too Hot To Handle relationship is over, but they could still decide to be friends.

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