Tomb of the Immortals is a Chinese animation series based on Lu Yun’s life. The show is set in a fictional immortal world where our protagonist, a young archaeologist, enters a tomb that cannot be traced back to any era. The show is an action-adventure on Tencent Video in China at 9:00 pm EST.
The show made its debut on Jul 20, 2022, and has completed fifty-six episodes. The next episode is scheduled to be released on Jan 07, 2023. The show’s official synopsis reveals that One hundred thousand years ago, this fictional immortal world was in melee, and in between this chaos, the “Book of Life and Death” fell into the world.
This show is a perfect example of Chinese Animation as it is a beautiful mystery which should be on the list of all Fantasy lovers. Japan is one of many countries leading in anime shows; we should also look around other regions. Many countries have tried to produce these series in the last few years, including South Korea, the United Kingdom, the United States, and China.
The show is handled by Soyep Studio, known for several 3D donghua like Peerless Martial Spirit and Spirit Sword Sovereign. This is how one maintains the element of surprise, and the creators do a great job of hiding the plot. There have been no updates on the upcoming chapter. Therefore it is impossible to predict its future.
The show can be streamed on China’s Local TV channels but aren’t available in international regions.