Netflix’s original manga animated Series is back with another season (2). At first, the viewers were a little sceptical about converting the manga into Anime, but now fans cannot get enough of it.
The way of Househusband follows a former yakuza who is now living a settled life with the love of his life. Tatsu was a notorious yakuza and famous for his deeds. But now, after settling down with the love of his life, Tatsu is tasked with living as a house husband for his working wife. The Series’s animation is unique and fits the tone of the story they are trying to portray
The Anime tells a tiny event in each episode, and the run time varies between 15 and 20 minutes. In the Anime’s first season, fans learned that Tatsu struggled to make ends meet as a househusband, but he tries his best, and even the most minor tasks seem like missions to him.
In Season 1, we found that grocery shopping gets very intense when the Yakuza are shopping. The white powder is a detergent, but if asked by the Yakuza, it may be mistaken for a drug. Planting a garden can also arouse suspicion from the neighbourhood, as Yakuza planting a garden can cause it to be mistaken for something else.
Tatsu’s daily life in the Anime The Househusband’s Path is a spectacular adventure, and with Tsuda Kenjiro’s voice acting, this adventure is a treat for all. The Anime’s first season had ten episodes and was released in two parts of five episodes each. Season 2 of Househusband’s Way is coming out soon.
Season 2 will premiere on 1st January 2023 on Netflix, but the episode’s timing will differ in various timezones. At 12:00 AM PT, 2:00 AM CT, 4:00 AM ET.
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