The School For Good And Evil revolves around a world filled with heroes and villains intending to maintain a balance between them. The story is of Sophie and Agatha stripped away from their home and separated as soon as they enter the magical world. To her surprise, Sophie is sent to the school of evil.
The concept and the plot that follows next are predictable. Agatha wants to get Sophie back and leave for home while Sophie aspires to get to school for good as she thinks her life has much more meaning than residing in a small nameless village.
However, it takes little time to understand that the movie lacks significant work/character building and backstory.
Other than the fact movie wants to portray acknowledging that one school is good and one school is terrible, it also tells them that every fairytale ever read by Sophie and Agatha is true and accurate. The schools act as the institutions where everyone learns how to become a hero and a villain.
Agatha has genuinely bonded with Spoie and questions the meaning of good at her school. She paces her love for Sophie above anything else and is eager to go home. She remains true to what she feels; the most significant change is when she goes to different lengths to protect Sophie.
Agatha is a person who comes up with points like what makes a person or actions suitable. And also that after failing the school for good, they are punished in one form or another. But the schools never develop those ideas.
Contrasting to Agatha’s character, Sophie is all set, and her desperation to feel unique leads her toward the events that make her dive into her dark side. Although Sophie previously claimed that she should have been sent to the school for good, it does not take her long to get manipulated by Real to uncover a dark side that she has kept hidden for a long time.
In contrast to Agatha’s character remaining true to herself, Sophie’s desperation to feel unique leads to a far-too-quickly-done set of events that leads Sophie to dive into her wrong side. Although Sophie claimed she should have ended up at the school for good and a mistake was made, it does not take much for Sophie to be manipulated by Rafal into going dark.
With Agatha and Sophie’s friendship prevailing, while the end suggests a sequel, it is better off without it.