The Real Housewives of Potomac is an ongoing American reality television sequence based on the notion of an international reality television franchise called The Real Housewives. The show made its debut on Bravo on January 17, 2016. As of yet, it has released six seasons and is on its way to completing its seventh season.
The show revolves around the private and professional vims of several ladies residing in and around Potomac, Maryland. Potomac is a census-designated area in Montgomery County, Maryland, United States. It is created by Scott Dunlop and stars Gizelle Bryant, Robyn Dixon, Ashley Darby, Karen Huger, Charrisse Jackson-Jordan, Katie Rost, Monique Samuels, Candiace Dillard Bassett, Wendy Osefo, and Mia Thornton.
The seventh season began with Davis’s withdrawal and ex-housewife Charrisse Jackson-Jordan’s retrieval. One-time cast associates Rost and Davis both made a guest arrival.
The last episode, i.e., episode 7 of season 7, was released on November 20, 2022. It was titled ‘Beef is Served’.
The series has received positive reviews from the Audience and is said to offer escapist TV at the highest level.
The upcoming episode, i.e., episode 8 of the ongoing season, is scheduled to debut on November 27, 2022, and is called “Queen vs. Queen” at 8 PM Eastern Time. It will be released on Bravo. Fans can watch the brand-new episode of this reality TV series on Sundays.