The Wire was one of the most suspenseful and action-packed shows from 2002 to 2008. This new documentary Flint Town is comparable to The Wire because people sense the same values and underlying themes. The same justice-filled blood runs in Flint Town, which is a documentary about one of the poorest and crime-filled cities in Michigan, USA. The narrative follows police officers trying to catch a hold of the town.
The new documentary is hard-hitting and graphic. There is some empathy for those who put their lives on the line to protect Flint, Michigan; especially when “in 2014 when the drinking water source for the city of Flint, Michigan was changed to the Flint River. Due to insufficient water treatment, over 100,000 residents were potentially exposed to high levels of lead in the drinking water.” A lot of tension is palpable in this documentary between the tired citizens and the police.
People all over are tweeting the comparisons to The Wire. Jason Whitlock stated, “Flint Town is like a real-life version of The Wire and The Shield rolled into one docu-series.” While Johnny McFarlane said, “Highly recommend Flint Town on Netflix. A lot of similarities to The Wire. A documentary about the police in crime-ridden Michigan”.
You should definitely check it out to get a real feel how crime is handled in the USA. You can also read about how slime ball Martin Shkreli is finally being roped to justice from having to pay back fraud money in rare albums.