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TV & Film

The Main Stars In The Breaking Bad Movie Will Reportedly Be Bryan Cranston And Aaron Paul

Stay tuned.

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Don’t you just love when your favorite show gets transformed into an awesome movie? Especially when they keep your favorite actors as the main stars. Well, thankfully, the people behind making Breaking Bad into a movie know what they’re doing.

According to online film production Revenge Of The Nerds, Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston will be keeping their star roles and transitioning their well-known characters from television to theater. It wouldn’t be right otherwise. Also set to star in the movie are Krysten Ritter (Jesse’s Girlfriend Jane), Jonathan Banks (Mike), Jesse Plemons (Todd), CharlesBaker (Skinny Pete), Matt Jones (Badger), and Robert Forster (The Disappearer). Now, things may take a twist because not all of these characters were in the show at the same time and half of them are dead!

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Here’s what Revenge Of The Nerds had to say:

“Not only will the story find a way to bring back Ritter’s Jane—with whom Jesse had a tragic love affair way back during the show’s first season—but series star Cranston is set to play some sort of role in the new film as well. This, despite both characters having met their ends on the show.”

Now that we know who’s in the cast, we just have to find out what the actual movie is going to be about. Stay tuned.

Need to satisfy your Breaking Bad addiction? Here’s Breaking Bad Mobile Game is On Its Way!


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