Episode 3 of The Last of Us presents the heart-warming story of Bill and Frank, which ends in an arousing way due to Frank’s sickness. The third episode begins as one might predict: Joel and Ellie are still in shock over Tess’s death as they proceed to Frank and Bill’s town. Most of episode 3 covers the story of Bill’s friendship with Frank from the original game to the episode that shifts its attention to Bill’s encounter with outbreak day in 2003.
First, how Frank dies in the HBO series differs significantly from the video games. Frank was never featured in the video game. But in the TV adaptation, things are different, as Frank is shown as having a terminal illness. Frank most likely got Parkinson’s disease, based on what was revealed after becoming unwell. He wanted this to stop since he was becoming utterly dependent on Bill. He thus said to Bill that he wanted to spend the best day of his life together and leave with happy memories.
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Another threat to the planet in the 2023 scenario is highlighted by Frank’s sickness in The Last of Us episode 3. The loss of humanity indicates that there will be less care for individuals getting different illnesses that were already common before the breakout, even if the infected and the fungus Cordyceps that created it are a huge concern. However, Frank and Bill are fortunate to have access to the medication that can save Frank in Lincoln, fact that other illnesses constitute an apparent threat that is larger in the dark, post-apocalyptic world of the series ‘The Last of Us.