The Imperfects, Netflix has developed yet another sci-fi series titled which is releasing in September 2022 on Netflix. The series will star Designated Survivor‘s Italia Ricci, and Nomadic Pictures will develop it, who also developed The I-Land, The Order, and Wu Assassins for Netflix.
Release Date of The Imperfects
No release date has been officially announced by the Streaming app for The Imperfects as of yet but it is confirmed that The Imperfects will be available on Netflix before the close of 2022.
According to our source, The Imperfects is set to be released sometime in September 2022. Specifically, we are hearing The Imperfects is due to release on Netflix on September 8th, 2022.
The plot of The Imperfects
Right we Do not know very much about the plot of The Imperfects, but the official logline does give us a few things to chew on until more information is released:
“The drama revolves around three twenty-somethings who, following experimental gene therapy, are turned into monsters who band together to hunt down the scientist responsible and force him to make them human again. Dr. Sydney Burke, a brilliant scientist looking to fix her past mistakes, both professional and ethical, allies with Abbi, Juan, and Tilda to track down the scientist responsible for their grim fates. Meanwhile, Dr. Alex Sarkov, a former child prodigy, refuses to let anyone or anything interfere with his goal of rewriting the human genome and ushering in the next stage of human evolution.”
Trailer of The Imperfects
Here is the Trailer of The Imperfects. You can watch it below: