Who’s ready to go back to work and everything else? No one? This writer agrees. The Christmas break, no matter how short, is one of the best feelings: time with family and friends, foods we only have that time of year, catching up on much-needed sleep, and finally getting to binge-watch all of the shows and movies you’ve been missing out on. Well, there’s always time to start watching!
There were several winners and some losers from the Netflix universe in 2022. This is just a top five to give you an idea but there are more you can watch if they pique your interest.
Here are some of the best movies from Netflix in 2022:
1. The Power of the Dog
Benedict Cumberbatch, playing Phil Burbank, tries his at ranching and maybe acting outside of his comfort zone. The movie does drag on more than it should, cowboys don’t really live the slow pace of life. When his brother comes home with a wife and child, Burbank is anything but warm and fuzzy about this news. Even with all of the tormenting, for his family and the audience, Burbank does weirdly open himself up to love, or the potential at least. It’s up to you on this one, probably watch once to experience it and move on.
2. The Unforgivable
Sandra Bullock stars in this crime/thriller story about how her character, Ruth Slater, is released from prison after a 20-year sentence for murder. While she tries to focus on her release and ease back into society, society is clearly not ready for that. Everywhere she goes she is harassed and tormented by people, reminding her she does not belong in the outside world. If you are a Sandra Bullock fan and love thrillers and crime, this is for you. It is intense but has heart as well.
3. Don’t Look Up
Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio star in this star-studded film as two astronauts trying to warn people about an impending meteor plummeting toward Earth! Along with Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Jonah Hill, Tyler Perry, and many more high-profile actors, this movie is not up to the best effort of the actors that are in it. Some humor and some intense scenes and music does not make this a rush to see on the list. If you want to have some background noise while you watch TikTok, go for it. Also, if you’re not a DiCaprio fan, then you’ll feel how this writer feels. But if you are, then you’ll probably be thrilled. The plot and storyline are weak no matter how you feel about it.
4. Red Notice
Put Ryan Reynolds, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and Gal Gadot together in a movie. Done. FBI agent (Johnson), a career criminal (Reynolds), and a notorious art thief and connoisseur (Gadot) all come together to seemingly take each other down but oh it’s far from that simple. Double-crossing, twists, and surprises make this film a must-see! Plus, the laughs never stop, with plenty of Ryan Reynolds humor and Johnson’s annoyance with Reynolds but still hitting the laughs where they need to be, Red Notice will keep you entertained the entire time! There is talk/rumors that at least another movie is in the works or could be very soon. Something to keep an eye on for sure.
5. The Mitchells Vs. The Machines
Maya Rudolph and Danny McBride star in a new kind of animated film: one that is pleasing for kids and adults alike. The Mitchells’ fun family road trip quickly turns bizarre when they come across a robot apocalypse. Through humor, perseverance, and some doubt as to whether can they really save the human race from robots, this movie has everything kids love about animated movies-funny dialogue, characters that are larger than life, and action with as much energy as they have-and everything that adults love about any movie-a good plot/story, relatable characters, enough humor to keep up laughing, and showing heart in that one character you are rooting for. This movie was not advertised to the extreme so it is off the radar but definitely a must-see movie, you will keep going back to this one again and again.
Can’t get enough Netflix? Want to know what’s coming this week, the first week of 2023, to Netflix? Click here.