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TV & Film

Tarantino’s 9th Life: Long-Awaited Release From “Pulp Fiction” Director

Set in 1969, Tarantino’s “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” promises plenty of psychedelic nostalgia

Pitt, Pacino and DiCaprio share a drink in new Tarantino flick / / photography, Andrew Cooper - 2019 Sony Pictures Entertainment

Following the release of its official poster, director Quentin Tarantino now offers a teaser trailer for his new film “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.”

Almost four years after his last film – the critically mixed “The Hateful Eight” – anticipation is high as ever for Tarantino’s new cinematic release. With 14.1m hits on YouTube at the time of writing, it seems the impending release of a new Tarantino film still carries the prestige of a major cultural event. And for good reason: Tarantino has stated he will only direct ten films in his entire career. Check out the latest teaser trailer for #9 below:

“What, carryin’ his load? Yeah, that’s about right” – Brad Pitt and friends in the 9th film from Quentin Tarantino

Mix in the typical profusion of quippy one-liners and a 1969 period setting of orange rollnecks, hippy hair, bell-bottom jeans and rock’n’roll aplenty, and it looks like we’re set for a psychedelic nostalgia trip. The teaser gives us plenty of tempting eye-candy with its Playboy Bunnies, black-and-white shootouts and some funky night-time neon. With Tarantino’s regular DP Robert Richardson calling the shots, it looks as though “Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” will be a masterclass in stylised cinematography and oversaturated colours.

Having displayed a taste for rewriting history with 2009’s “Inglourious Basterds,” in which Adolf Hitler is incinerated inside a Parisian cinema, it will be interesting to see how Tarantino handles what is reportedly the major plot element of “Hollywood”: the murder of Sharon Tate (as well as her unborn children, being heavily pregnant at the time). But it’s not like Tarantino to shy away from controversial subject matter – just look at his slave-revenge Western “Django Unchained” for proof of that.

With a release date set for July 2019, we still have a while to wait for the original Wunderkind of American cinema to grace us with his latest work. If you need a fix of Tarantino magic, check out our story on this supercut of every Tarantino reference ever.

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