Star Trek: Prodigy is an ongoing American animated television sequence that is also the tenth Star Trek sequence and was released on October 28, 2021. The show is the first Star Trek succession to target youthful audiences and is also the franchise’s foremost animated succession to use 3D spirit exclusively. Kevin and Dan Hageman for the streaming outlet Paramount+ and Nickelodeon develop it.
The show follows the plotline revolving around a miscellany squad of immature aliens who discover a vacant Starfleet ship, the USS Protostar, in the Tars Lamora prison territory. It is set in 2383, five years after the USS Voyager returns to Earth at the Star Trek: Voyager spike. The plot moves as they understand to cooperate as they create their path from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant.
It is based on an American science fiction television series called Star Trek, established in the Milky Way galaxy. It stars the voices of Brett Gray, Ella Purnell, Jason Mantzoukas, Angus Imrie, Rylee Alazraqui, Dee Bradley Baker, Jimmi Simpson, John Noble, and Kate Mulgrew.
It has released 15 episodes, with the latest released on November 24, 2022. It was titled ‘Masquerade’ and showed the Protostar risking deeper into the Neutral Zone.
The show has received positive reviews from viewers and stands with an average rating of 8.1/10. The second season of the show is in the exhibition. The series is also nominated for a Children’s and Family Emmy Award in the classification of “Outstanding Animated Series.”
The upcoming episode is titled “Preludes” and is scheduled to be released on December 1, 2022.