Next year marks the 30th Anniversary of The Simpsons but they haven’t seemed to age.
The show was a big hit in the early 90s. It was known back then for its satirical insight into America. The characters and storylines were hilarious but also tackled conversational topics, that gave the series an emotional punch.
A lot of people questioned if it was a show for adults rather than children because although on the surface it looked innocent, The Simpsons was the complete opposite. The series discussed sex, religion, alcoholism, and many other topics you wouldn’t tend to find in a cartoon.
The show continues with brand new episodes being made. The characters haven’t aged in the program but if they did, they would look a lot different now.
This is something illustrator, author and scientist Randall Munrow has realized. He decided to draw the characters as he believes they would look now if the show allowed them to age.
When the show began, we were led to believe that the main characters, Homer and Marge were in their mid-thirties. If the writers had decided to let the characters gradually become older through the time the episodes were being made, then next year we would be seeing these characters into their sixties.
Bart and Lisa, the children of Homer and Marge, were aged eight and ten when the show started. This means that they would nearly be hitting their forties next year.
Randall Munrow has also stated that people who watched the show when they were the same age as Bart and Lisa, then they would now be the age Homer and Marge were when the show was first shown.
Thanks for making us feel old Randall, but at least you’re never too old to watch cartoons?
Catch the new series of The Simpsons from March, on FOX TV.