Siesta Key is MTV’s reality television series inspired by the early 2000s Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County. The show follows four friends living in Siesta Key, Florida. These affluent children are attempting to sail while dealing with a wide range of human interactions, including sexual relationships, betrayal, jealousy, sadness, and many others.
The reality show follows a group of young adults who spend the summer together in their sunny hometown while dealing with love, heartbreak, class, and impending maturity concerns. As the friends mature and attempt to discover their identities, nothing is off-limits, perhaps even developing intimate relationships with one another.
The show debuted on July 31, 2017, and has completed four seasons. The fifth season of Siesta Key aired on October 27, 2022, and has released five episodes. The upcoming episode is scheduled to be released on December 8, 2022, at 8 p.m. ET. Fans can watch it on MTV‘s website and Fubo TV. It is titled “This TV Show Changed You”.
In the previous episode, Juliette went out with her pals and assured them that she would be busy preparing for her fashion show in the next two weeks. Jordana told Mike that Lexie was cheating on him and was seen hanging out with another man in a neighbouring pub.
It was also revealed that Kelsey Owens would attempt to reconcile with the cast following their earlier disagreements. Kelsey will not be appearing in many episodes this season. The tensions are high, emotions are flying, and it promises a chaotic episode. The show’s recurring cast members include Cara Geswelli, Ish Soto, Jordana Barnes, Meghan Bischoff, and Sam Logan.