In October 2022, An exciting new romantic comedy anime series, “Romantic Killer”, is coming to Netflix. It is adapted from Wataru Momose’s manga Romantic Killer, one of the first anime to be confirmed to be coming to Netflix this Fall.
Romantic Killer is an upcoming Japanese Netflix Original anime series and adaptation of the manga Romantic Killer by author Wataru Momose. Kazuya Ichikawa will direct the award-winning manga Romantic Killer.
Release Date of Romantic Killer Netflix release date
Romantic Killer will be available to stream on Netflix on Thursday, October 27th, 2022.
We do not know the number of episodes, but the entire season will be available to stream upon release.
The plot of Romantic Killer
High schooler Anzu Hoshino has a great life. She plays video games daily, overeats on snacks, and pets her beloved cat. But this blissful existence becomes a confusing mess when a magical creature transports her to an altered reality bereft of her favourite things. Now she’s stuck with hot guys instead!
The cast of Romantic Killer
So far, only two cast members have been confirmed; Mikako Komatsu has been cast as the voice of the wizard Riri, and Rie Takahashi is the voice of Anzu Hoshino.
Trailer of Romantic Killer
You can watch the trailer below: