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‘Manifest’ Season 4, Part 1: Does Zeke Die?

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Image Credit: Netflix

Part 1 of Manifest season 4 has finally premiered on Netflix, and Manifesters are excited to see Zeke again. Matt Long was almost unable to join the final season due to a conflicting schedule with another series, but everything worked out in the end. thankfully.

Zeke and Michaela our favourite couples in the series. Fans love watching Michaela and Zeke’s marriage evolve, and there will be a lot of evolution in season 4, given the tense situation they left off with in Manifest season 3.

Season 4, part 1 continues to put our favourite couple in dangerous situations, and no one ends up in hazardous scenarios as often as Zeke. Remember when he almost froze to death?

Does Zeke die in Manifest season 4, part 1?

At the beginning of the season, Zeke and Michaela have settled their troubles, and he’s helping the Stone family while also working as a counselor.

Zeke continues to fight through the pain of his powers, but in season 4, episode 8, he’s shot in the leg during a struggle with Angelina’s father, Kenneth. But Thankfully, Zeke doesn’t die from the gunshot.

In the season 4 part 1 finale, Cal’s health turns for the worse. To save him, Zeke realizes he can take on all of Cal’s pain and sacrifice himself to ensure Cal survives.

While taking on Cal’s pain, Zeke calls Michaela and tearfully says his final goodbyes. She sobs and holds him in her arms, lifeless beside Cal. Olive and Ben watch as Cal returns to life and recovers from his cancer.

Zeke dies in Manifest season 4, part 1. He beat his Death Date the first time, but will he be able to beat this in part 2? we will know this in part 2. Let’s wait till then.

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