The Looney Tunes Cartoons, under HBO’s new management of the animated series of short episodes, have officially declared that their characters will no longer be carrying any guns on the show.
Based off of the classic 1930’s and 1940’s slapstick humor, the executive producer of the show Peter Browngardt said to The New York Times that its classic characters will be the same as always, just won’t be ‘doing guns’ any longer.
We’re not doing guns. But we can do cartoon-y violence – TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in.
Lots of its classic original comedy of exaggerated violence will be on screen, but the actual firearms will be absent.
It’s odd to think what the characters of Elmer Fudd will hunt with, or Yosemite Sam… but perhaps this is a move inspired by the recent protests against police brutality in the USA. Browngardt is very timely on his executive decision, indicating a direct correlation to the current heated political atmosphere over gun control in America. Depicting so many firearms could potentially increase the normalization of gun use and gun violence, which would inspire children to take notice and liberties with it. This is a significant move in the right direction of enabling gun control in the common public.
Hopefully, this is an artistic move to bring the show back to its original humor of silly slapstick punchlines and visual skits.
The new retake on the series will feature episodes with the beloved dynamic duos of Elmer and Bugs Bunny, Sylvester and Tweety, and Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. Expect long-winded chases, tunnels, booby traps and anvils!
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