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Locke and Key Season 3 Updates: Is Griffin Gluck In Season 3?

locke and key season 3
Image Credit: Netflix

The final season of Locke and Key is now streaming on Netflix, and fans are excited about much more action with the family’s magical keys. The second season ended well for the Lockes as they won against Dodge (Laysla De Oliveira) and were done with fighting demons. In the season’s last moments, we noticed a forced escape to the real world, and he most certainly will not be as easy as Dodge to take down.

Gideon (Kevin Durand) is the main villain in Locke and Key, season 3.

In episode 3, “Five Minutes Past,” Bode returns a moment from season 2 when the siblings fight off Dodge disguised as Gabe, and Bode was in chains. When he met the group, they were shocked to see Bode in two places at once. Uncle Duncan, played by Aaron Ashmore, warns Bode from the future that it isn’t a good idea and asks him to leave.

Before episode 3 comes to an end, Dodge acquires Bode’s body and then tries to find the rest of the keys in the next episode. However, it wasn’t until episode 5, “Siege,” that the family understands Bode is Dodge, and they end up joining Dodge to fight off Gideon. That’s the last we see of her in Locke and Key, season 3.

The character of Dodge was played by both Laysla De Oliveira and Griffin Gluck, who appeared in Locke and Key season 3. However, the Lockes have a way more significant Gideon threat to worry about this season.

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