In the movie “True Spirit,” a teenager named Jessica Watson is destined to follow a path that takes her closer to her dreams. At just 16, she was the youngest person who had sailed solo, without assistance and halt, across the world. Now such an exciting story tells us how the creators came up with the show’s name. The show’s executive producer, Susan Cartsonis, confirms that they made the film by referring to a true story.
This story is of Jessica Watson, who sailed off in her boat, Ella’s Pink Lady, in October 2009. She continued to sail for more than a thousand nautical miles and covered some of the most dangerous oceans in her quest to sail across the world. After her heroic adventure, she returned around seven months later, in May 2010. On her return, she got honored with the Order of Australian Medal, and her name was added to the Hall of Fame.
Release Date & Production
Netflix’s tribute to the true Spirit of this girl will now stream for the world to praise her bravery. True Spirit will be streaming on Netflix from February 3, 2023. This movie was written and directed by Sarah Spillane, a successful and renowned director. She has been critically acclaimed for her 2013 movie, “Around the Block,” at the Toronto International Film Festival.
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Is the show based on a book?
Watson also wrote a book about her experiences in those seven months. She titled the book “True Spirit”: ‘The Aussie Girl Who Took on The World.’ This book might have genuinely inspired the creators to plan something like this. And Netflix is popularly known for picking such inspiring stories!