Nanny is a horror film that follows Aisha, an undocumented Senegalese immigrant who is piecing together a new life in New York City. The movie made its debut in the United States on January 22, 2022, at Sundance and on November 23, 2022. It was directed by Nikyatu Jusu and won the Grand Jury Prize 2022 Sundance Film Festival.
The film stars Anna Diop, Leslie Uggams, Michelle Monaghan, Morgan Spector, Rose Decker, and Sinqua Walls in leading roles. It became the first horror film recognized for the Grand Jury Prize.
The film’s plot includes Aisha being hired as a nanny to care for the child of a wealthy Upper East Side family. Her only dream is to bring back her son, whom she has left behind in Senegal. The plot twists come as she discovers a hidden truth that threatens to shatter her precarious American Dream.
The film received an average rating of 6.9/10, and the audience applauded Anna Diop’s portrayal of Aisha. The movie turned out to be a good first-timer for Nikyatu Jusu. Jusu also won the top prize and became the second Black female filmmaker to be honored.
The movie was later released for a limited theatrical release on November 23, 2022, by Amazon Studios. It is currently streaming on Prime Video as it was made available on December 16, 2022. For Netflix users, it is unfortunate, but you can check out some of the top horror films available on Netflix, including Insidious: Chapter 2, Ouija: Origin of Evil, Malevolent, and Scream 4.