Heartland is a famous and ongoing Canadian family comedy-drama television sequence founded on the Heartland book sequence written by Lauren Brooke. The show pursues Amy Fleming and her older sister Louise Fleming on their Alberta-based home farm, called ‘Heartland’, where they live with their widowed grandfather Jack Bartlett, their dad Tim Fleming, and employed Ty Borden. While undergoing the blisses and lows of life on the farm, the family bonds and grows closer.
The show made its debut in Canada on CBC on October 14, 2007, and has completed fifteen seasons since. It is currently airing its sixteenth season on CBC. The show is created by Murray Shostak and stars Amber Marshall, Graham Wardle, Michelle Morgan, Shaun Johnston, Nathaniel Arcand, Cindy Busby, Jessica Amlee, and Alisha Newton.
On March 29, 2015, the show aired its 139th episode and became the longest-running one-hour scripted theater in Canadian television record by outweighing Street Legal. The show’s ongoing season was finalized on June 1, 2022, and production started on that date. It is scheduled to conclude in 15 episodes.
The first episode of season 16 made its debut on October 2, 2022, in Canada. The show has received positive reviews from the audience, and its first season drew 625,000 watchers. The show also has a six-part spin-off web sequence called Hudson with Jade Verani as the lead and aired on CBC Gem on March 31, 2019. The spin-off was also appreciated by fans and won the Best Web Series award at the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers.
The show’s nine-episode of its sixteenth season is scheduled to hit the screens on November 27, 2022. It is titled “True Colours, New Tricks”.