Eternal Yesterday is an ongoing Japanese television drama series that debuted on MBC in Japan. The show is directed and written by Kobayashi Keiichi. The plotline is filled with enigma, romance, and supernatural aspects. The show began on October 21, 2022, and is scheduled to conclude on December 9, 2022. The show is based on a novel authored by Eda Yuuri.
The series stars Komiya Rio and Inoue Sora as main leads and has Otomo Karen, Niihara Taisuke, Narumi Yui, Nakamura Yuichi, Asai Daichi, Kobayashi Ryoko, and Matsumura Yuki playing supporting roles.
The plot follows Yamada Koichi, a cheerful and popular high schooler with many friends, and Oumi Mitsuru, a contrasting polar personality.
Oumi Mitsuru has an abundance of intellect but somewhat occasional social knacks. The story shows their struggles and how, despite extremely diverse personalities, they start to sense an intense pull of combined allure. The interest rises when one rainy light, just as their fascinations are starting to peak, a truck hits Yamada Koichi in front of Oumi Mitsuru.
The supernatural aspects of the storyline come forward as Oumi Mitsuru merely gets up and resumes his business as though nothing has gone on. Unfortunately, this cannot be said for the rest of the world as the boy’s classmates gradually begin to omit Yamada Koichi and his fondness for him starts to burn more intenser than ever.
The show has released six episodes, and the upcoming episode is scheduled to be aired on December 1, 2022. This interesting plotline compels viewers to watch the series; if you haven’t watched it yet, make sure to consider it in your future list.