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Charlie Brooker to Return to TV for Special Coronavirus ‘Anti-Viral Wipe’ Episode

“British humour at its finest”

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Hooray! More good news. Life in lockdown doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. Well, not anymore, as British comedian, Charlie Brooker, is returning to BBC for a special coronavirus themed programme similar to his award-winning Wipe series!

The release date has not been confirmed but we do know the programme will be filmed during lockdown.

For those unfamiliar with Brooker and the Wipe series, it is a news programme of approximately 30 mins which talks about controversial topics. But does so in an intellectually engaging way through the use of satire. It aired from 2013-2016 so an episode in 2020 never seemed like a possibility! 

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Brooker displays British humour at its finest and sees the light side in the worst news. It is true that British people’s humour derives from sarcasm and self-deprecation, often with a dead-pan delivery. Often, this humour seems insensitive to other cultures. But, I often find that in times of darkness, a little light can help you find your way. So, if Brits are making light of a bad situation to cope with anger, stress and anxiety then let them. 

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In an unprecedented time when no one knows what the future holds, finding humour in the situation is probably the only way to get through this. There are already a lot of memes about coronavirus and life in lockdown, which while at times may not seem appropriate, they are making people smile. And positive thinking is one of the only ways that we are going to come out the other side of this pandemic. 

To get a sense of what Antiviral Wipe will be like, you can watch some of Brooker’s previous episodes of Wipe on YouTube. They are very similar to Have I Got News For You, Mock The Week and The Last Leg to name a few. As a Brit, I find all these programmes hilarious, and am very excited to see what Brooker is going to talk about in his special show! 

Video via YouTube
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