Chainsaw Man is an ongoing Japanese Anime television series that debuted on October 12, 2022. The show is based on a Japanese manga sequence penned and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Its first portion was released in Shueisha’s shōnen manga magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump, and its second aspect started in Shueisha’s Shōnen Jump+ online magazine.
The show is orchestrated by Ryū Nakayama and Masato Nakazono and written by Hiroshi Seko. The plot follows the tale of Denji, an underprivileged youthful man who makes an agreement that links his body with that of a dog-like devil called Pochita, awarding him the proficiency to change parts of his body into chainsaws. Denji ultimately joins the Public Safety Devil Hunters, a national agency concentrated on battling against devils whenever they evolve into a hazard to Japan.
The second angle of this timeline concentrates on Asa Mitaka, a high school scholar who goes into an agreement with Yoru the War Devil, who compels her to hunt down Chainsaw Man to regain the devils looted from her.
The manga has been well received by fans and had over 20 million copies in the market, making it one of the best-selling manga sequences. The show has released seven episodes, and the latest episode was released on November 23, 2022. It was titled “Taste of a Kiss” and directed and written by Masato Nakazono.
The upcoming episode is scheduled to hit the screens on November 30 as per Japan Standard Time(JST) and on November 29 in the United States.