Call the Midwife is BBC’s continuous period drama series that follows the life of a group of nurse midwives who work at the East End of London in the late 1950s and 1960s. The show made its debut on January 15, 2012 and is currently airing its twelfth season. It was created by Heidi Thomas and produced by Neal Street Productions.
The show’s plot is based on the Memoirs of a nurse and midwife practising in the poverty-stricken East End of London in the 1950s, Jennifer Worth. Worth is known for her best-selling trilogy about her life as a nurse during the hard times. Worth died on May 31 2011, due to cancer of the oesophagus.
The show attracted nearly 10 million viewers and was immediately scheduled for another run after its release. The show is known for its unique plot and impactful acting and is said to be sentimental, poignant and heartbreaking. The show has won many awards, including Best New Drama (2012), Drama Programme of the Year (2012), Best Family Drama (2015), Best Period Drama (2017), a Best TV show of the past 25 years and more.
The twelfth season is scheduled to debut on January 1, 2023. This season begins with Christmas of 1967, a time when the residents of Poplar were struggling with the aftermath of the train crash. Fred is trying his best to boost everyone’s morale by the organization a talent show as Sister Hilda leaves Nonnatus House and Trixie makes her entrance known.
The episodes can be streamed on BBC One at 8 pm (The UK), while others can stream the show on Pluto TV, Netflix, Hoopla, and PBS.