Blue Lock is an ongoing anime television series adaptation founded on a Japanese manga sequence authored by Muneyuki Kaneshiro and characterized by Yusuke Nomura. The series follows the story of the soccer mystery Ego Jinpachi. His genius strategy to direct Japan to fame is Blue Lock, and an exercise regimen developed to build the world’s tremendous egomaniac striker.
The show made its debut on October 9, 2022. Crunchyroll has permitted the series and has streamed an English dub beginning on October 22, 2022. Blue Lock was among the Top three Sports Manga of the “Nationwide Bookstore Employees’ Recommended Comics of 2020” by Honya Club.
The last episode aired was titled “Rush” on November 20, 2022. It was broadcasted at 1:35 a.m. JST, 5 minutes after the initial air period on TV Asahi. Previously, we saw Kuon circulating Team Z’s strategy to Team W, and Chigiri remembering his soccer profession as he was named the genius and played for the same high school as the Wanima twins. This week’s final disclosures of Chigiri’s history have made it more apparent what stalks underneath the quiet town’s façade. Through these reveals, the unfolding game is seasoned by an expressive chasm that brings harmony to the anxiety. This tension delivers the show’s protagonist with substantial personality growth.
The upcoming episode will be released on Sunday, November 27, 2022. Fans can watch the Blue Lock Episodes on Crunchyroll when they are released. You can also watch the prior episodes of Blue Lock anime on the same outlet. Make sure to stream the series if you haven’t yet!