In a rare turn of events, a classic novel is becoming a video game. Animal Farm, a novel about the Stalin Era Soviet Union, is about to be a sort of choose-your-own-adventure, and oddly enough, looks just as compelling as the book.
In the upcoming video game, you choose an animal to play as and start just before the events of the novel. You then have to balance running the farm with the consequences that unfold due to your choices in the story.
Here’s a quote from the game devs:
“Whilst we all thought that the world was making real social progress, we actually fell asleep and failed to notice dark corporate and political powers silencing all dissent.”
“…a game allow us to actually become those heroes and in so doing, to experience their challenges first hand. Our game gives you an immersive experience – you are part of the farm.”
It’s a bit of a risk to take on such a well-known, powerful novel. But if they nail it, they might have some awards coming their way. The expectations are high.
Look for it summer 2018.
If you’re looking for more video game content, then you should take a look as this virtual reality Mario Kart.