It’s hard to believe it’s already the middle of December and the holidays are quickly approaching. 2021 has brought highs and lows for all of us, in one way or another. This is the time of the year when we all get nostalgic for what this year has brought, what it has taught us, and what we hope the new year will bring. With that in mind, we obviously know that nothing is certain.
Getting older also means looking back on your life and thinking about what you thought your life would look like when you were going to be the age you are now. It probably looks a little different, doesn’t it? For one reason or another though, all of your experiences, good and not so good, have shaped you into the person you are right now. On that note, Jennifer Aniston opened up about having similar feelings and memories come up while on set for the ‘Friends’ Reunion Show earlier this year.
It’s funny how memories can just sneak up on us at any time without warning. Aniston recently talked about in an interview that returning to the set of ‘Friends’ was not entirely as happy as it seemed.
“I think we were just so naive walking into it, thinking, ‘How fun is this going to be? They’re putting the sets back together, exactly as they were’. Then you get there and it’s like, ‘Oh right, I hadn’t thought about what was going on the last time I was actually here.’”
Jennifer Aniston
Despite how they all seemed to be, back together on set smiling and laughing, Aniston had to face some painful memories of what it was like to be back on set and remember that part of her life.
Fans Went Crazy When The Trailer Dropped
Clearly, Aniston got through it and does seem to have enjoyed herself. She even talked about how even with those painful memories, she loved her time with the cast and being able to give the fans a reunion that we’ve all waited for.
“But again, everything’s a blessing if you’re able to look at life’s ups and downs in that way. And if it all hadn’t happened, I would not be sitting here the woman that I am”
Jennifer Aniston
All of our experiences make us who we are today and who we will be. Embrace them, work hard, learn from the tough times, and remember to have some fun!
Click here to read how ‘Friends’ was called out for being sexist and homophobic.