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Dave Grohl Concedes Defeat in Drum Battle With Ten Year Old

After weeks of a back and forth drum battle between Dave Grohl and ten-year-old Nandi Bushell, Grohl has conceded defeat.

Dave Grohl Concedes Defeat In Drum Battle With Ten Year Old
Credit: Youtube / Nandi Bushell

After weeks of a back and forth drum battle between Dave Grohl and ten-year-old Nandi Bushell, Grohl has conceded defeat.

On The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, Grohl said that there was nothing he could do. “It was like being called out by the school bully.” He first heard of Nandi Bushell a year ago when she posted a video of herself drumming to Nivana’s In Bloom. A few months later, Bushell challenged him to a drum battle and Grohl accepted.

Bushell is just ten years old but has been an online sensation for quite a while. She uploads music videos on her Youtube and is exceptionally good at drumming, which she started when she was just five. She has since got to jam with Lenny Kravitz and was even featured in the 2019 Argos Christmas Advert. When asked who she’d want to jam with she mentioned Dave Grohl and her dream seems to have become reality!

The drum battle between the two has been going on since August 2020. When Grohl met Bushell on a video call he said he quit playing the drums because he realised he would never be as good as her. She was quick to reply that he just needed to practise, practise, practise.

Well, it seems like practice has not been enough! Grohl has conceded defeat and Bushell has since posted a victory video, which is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

While the battle between the two may be over, they intend to get together and create a collaborative track in the future, as well as perform together. 

Read more about how Dave Grohl and Nandi Bushell started off their drum battles here.

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