Another great has left us too soon – actor Tom “Tiny” Lister Jr. died Thursday after experiencing returning symptoms of COVID-19. Lister was positive with Coronavirus four months ago, and to him and his family’s knowledge, had recovered. This is both a shock and tragic loss – Lister will certainly be missed.
Lister’s manager, Cindy Cowan spoke with PEOPLE on the devastating loss:
He got a positive result back about four months ago and obviously recovered from that,
He kind of was one of those people that used the lockdown to workout and get in the best shape ever,
He actually looked the best he’s ever looked and I’ve never seen him more excited about what was coming next.
Cowan continued about how Lister’s health shifted the week before his death:
He thought maybe his diabetes was starting to kick up because he just wasn’t feeling right,
He said, ‘I feel like I’m getting COVID again.’
She also explained that Lister wanted to get the vaccine and reunite with his family for Christmas. This situation is truly heartbreaking.
Lister is known for his work in the Friday movies, The Fifth Element, Little Nicky, No Holds Barred, Jackie Brown, and many more movies. He was also a professional wrestler.
Below is the famous clip from Friday with Lister as Deebo.
Lister will live on in our hearts and through the legacy he has created. This is definitely a sad and scary situation and leaves many questions about the aftermath of Coronavirus once someone has had it.
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