The one and only Fresh Prince, Will Smith, has graced us with a line of merchandise called Bel-Air Athletics. It including tops, sweatshirts, shorts, hats, and a tracksuit just to name a few. The line highlights a track jacket with his iconic reversible paisley inside. The clothes are only available until October 14th, so you better hurry!
His line has about 20 pieces that all spark a modern sense of nostalgia. Prices of the products range from $6 to around $200, making the line purchasable for many. This limited edition line is selling fast and only available on Will Smith’s website.
The iconic show that wrapped up around 23 years ago still influences people of all ages. The passion, charisma, and love of Will Smith is definitely channeled through in this clothing line. Hustle to his website and check out some of his exclusive merchandise before it’s too late! I’ve bought my Fresh Prince clothing, have you? Remember, you have until October 14th, and some new shirts have just been released on the website! For more on Will Smith, check out this article.