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Most Popular 70s Women’s Fashion: Groovy Trends and Styles

Step back in time to the groovy era with a deep dive into 70s Women’s Fashion. Unearth retro trends and timeless style inspiration!

70s Women’s Fashion

Step into the time machine and journey back to the sensational 1970s, a decade where fashion knew no bounds. 

From the wild, flower-power hippie movement to the dazzling disco era, the 70s was an era of fashion innovation and self-expression. 

In this retrospective, we’ll explore the unforgettable trends that defined 70s women’s fashion. 

Picture bellbottoms and high-waisted jeans that redefined the way we wore pants. Imagine platforms that made everyone feel like they were on top of the world. Feathered hair that exuded confidence, and tie-dye that added an explosion of color to the fashion scene. 

Get ready for a nostalgic trip through time!


So, picture this – bellbottoms, the clothing mullet before mullets were even a thing! These pants said business up top, but boy, they screamed party down low. Everyone who was anyone in the 70s rocked these bad boys.


You know how folks always want to be taller? High heels had been doing their thing for centuries, but then the 70s hit, and bam, platforms stole the show. It was like a whole new way to reach for the stars. And guess what? They made a spicy comeback in the 90s too, zig-a-zig-ah!

High-waisted jeans

The 70s decided pants needed a makeover, and high-waisted jeans waltzed right in, alongside those bellbottoms. Say hello to your booty and bye-bye to your bellybutton.


The 70s were all about experimentation, even in fashion. Plain shirts? Boring! So, folks started adding every color in the universe in swirly, cotton-candy-like tie-dye patterns. Hippies couldn’t get enough of it, and it looked stellar under black lights, man.

Feathered hair

Let’s talk hair – Farrah Fawcett made feathered hair the hottest trend. Luscious, flowing, and oozing confidence, it was the ‘do of the decade. And don’t get me started on the 80s hairspray craze!

The afro

Not into the Farrah Fawcett look? No problemo! The afro was just as massive, literally. It oozed confidence and swagger with every step.


Corduroy had its moment, man. Those fine lines and that soft suede-like feel made it super popular in everything from pants to jackets, and even hats.

Circular sunglasses

Remember John Lennon? He rocked those circular sunglasses, giving wearers a dash of style and sophistication.

Military/safari look

Maybe it was the Vietnam War’s influence, but military and safari styles were all the rage. Khaki, olive green, rucksack bags, and fatigue-inspired jackets were everywhere.

Ethnic/folk look

A bit like the hippie vibe but with a twist! Bright prints and patterns, but this time with a cultural twist, like Native American features and European folk influences – dresses, ponchos, and embroidered patterns.

Underground punk

Black leather jackets, hair that didn’t care, and studs – punk fashion was a force to be reckoned with, even spilling into popular culture in the late 70s.

Hot pants

Talk about risqué! Hot pants weren’t really pants at all. These super-short shorts sparked heated societal debates and got their name for a reason.


Patterns come and go, but in the 70s, chevron was the new kid on the block, and guess what? It’s making a comeback!

Large, floppy collars

Shirts in the 70s were all about tight fits and collars that were practically the size of today’s dinner plates. The more chest and neck you showed, the better, usually crowned with a medallion necklace.

Puka shell & love beads

Fashion wasn’t just about clothing. Jewelry was a big deal too. Puka shells, love beads, and mood rings – they were the icing on the fashion cake.

So, there you have it! 

The 1970s rocked some unique fashion statements that left a lasting impression. But hold on to your disco ball because the 80s were just around the corner, and they had a style party of their own!

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