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Social Experiment Proves That Spain is Not Homophobic

Meanwhile in Russia…

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Two supposedly gay men ask from people in the streets of Spain to help them translate a letter that would give them directions on how to get to their hostel. But the letter is not just about that…

The unsuspecting locals accept to translate the letter for the American tourists. But as they read more and more, they slowly realise that something is not quite right. Take a look:

At first, a guy even dismisses the homophobic remarks as part of a joke, in an attempt to avoid insulting the gay couple. But as the locals translate more of the text, the message becomes clear. It is a homophobic instruction manual of the hostel’s rules, declaring how the gay couple was accepted before the owner saw their photo and realised they were gay and how they are not supposed to touch, kiss or have sex.

The locals, unaware of the cameras filming them, can’t hide their desperation and frustration over the hateful letter. Some can barely hold their tears while others look at each other, unable to believe their eyes. A girl says to the couple: ‘It’s better if you go to another hostel, because this is not very good.’ Another girl says: ‘Oh my god, you guys are gonna stay in a really nasty fucking hostel.’ Others, offended and disgusted, suggest that the couple call the police (they even give them the correct number), since ‘This is Spain, you can’t say such stuff about gay and lesbian people.’ We are proud of you, Spain.

Now imagine what would happen if the same incident occurred somewhere else in the world. Take for example Russia or even U.S states such as Texas and Louisiana. What about the Middle East? North Korea? Would the locals there be half as accepting at the Spanish folk? I don’t think so. Videos like this remind us how important it is to fight against injustice, intolerance and racism when we see them. Even when they are not targeted directly at us. These people fought for what they believed in. Would you do the same?

Meanwhile in Russia…

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