A viral video has been circulating the Web of a girl in Indore, Madhya Pradesh running across a road after the light turned red and dancing in the middle of a traffic jam.
This young woman, Shreya Kalra, is a social media influence with over 2.5 million followers on Instagram. In the video Shreya can be seen dressed in all black and sprinting across the zebra crossing as soon as cars begin to slow down for the red light. She then proceeded to perform a TikTok dance despite the confusion of her in-person “audience”.
The video didn’t just attract criticism from her viewers. The video gian so much popularity that the Home Minister of Madhya Pradesh spoke out regarding Shreya’s video.
MP Home Minister Narottam Mishra has asked the police to take appropriate action against the influencer.
Comments surrounding the MP Home Minister’s reaction have also sparked debate.
One user writes:
“It’s just a dance pls…. it’s not the end of the world”
Indore gurl dances in middle of road for Instagram video, draws flak from MP Home minister/ YouTube
Other viewers have hypothesized that, without facing repercussions, hundreds of influencer will be doing this in the street and it will lead to more intense – possibly even dangerous – traffic situations.
Issues like this have become more and more common since the rise of influencers on Instagram and TikTok. Many times, people place their content creation over their awareness of how their actions impact those around them. But how much harm are they really ding apart from the occasional inconvenience?