A new Champion has risen in the Anti-Trump protests. Carter, a young rapscallion started a miniature fire as a middle finger to President Trump. When questioned why he started the fire he promptly responded with: “Because I felt like it” and “Screw our President!” What a savage. Perhaps this little youngster was brainwashed with a liberal diseased mind. However it could be slanted Fox News trying to make him look bad.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdPGVnU-Hdc&w=550&h=375]
The hero, Carter, err Connor, wasn’t giving into the Fox News reporter’s sh*t. This little man will not let the GOP try and criminalize porn and he sure as hell isn’t buying into that clean coal nonsense. Or perhaps Connor just loves starting fires.
Image Via
Trump is already off to a rocky start, specifically with this new idea of alternative facts. Maybe Connor will be able to deal with the lizard woman, Kellyanne Conway and her alternative bulls**t. This young man is a viral new hope and from the ashes he shall rise against the tyranny of Donald J. Trump.
Lastly, if you enjoy American heroes and villains, check out this article on Trump as a Marvel Super Villain. Trump better watch out for Pyromancer Connor, America’s new hero.