Acts of outright racism, inconceivable hate and unnecessary division, is the world we live in right now. Our Facebook feeds are full of it. Everywhere we turn, someone is spewing hatred instead of love and unity. With that said, it’s time to highlight a particular group who took things a little too far.
You know you’re a special breed of. evil when you obtain your happiness by bringing fellow humans down instead of being a source of light. That’s what these far right activists did in Sweden. They thought it would be cool to express themselves by throwing an unofficial gay pride parade that ran through a heavily populated immigrant, Muslim community.
Now, what would be the purpose behind this? Official Pride parade organizers, Sweden’s LGBT Federation and anti-racism groups seem to think that the real reason behind this was to try and provoke the Muslim community.
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The fake parade was organized by a man named Jan Sjunnesson. He is the editor of the website Avipixlat, which is known to the community as very xenophobic (or it could be described as a waste of precious internet space, if you ask me). He denies that he is “racist” and “homophobic”. He claims that he only wanted to have a “fun and peaceful” parade. Again, I don’t see how mocking gay rights and provoking hate qualify as fun and peaceful.
The official Stockholm Pride and the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights (RFSL) released the following statement to Al Jazeera:
Jan Sjunnesson has for a long time made himself known as a person who’s spreading hatred towards Muslims on social media [and] who’s not supporting LGBT rights.
The magazine Expo in February published a compilation in which they, among other things, showed how Sjunnesson…had shared an American film where Muslims were described as pedophiles and homosexuals and a ‘satanistic threat against society’ who should be deported.
And along with other working solutions, a counter parade has been organized, with almost eight times as many people attending. Here’s what the Facebook page says:
While the racists and Islamophobes want to use LGBT as a tool, we have to unite and say NO.
Only once we realize that prejudice is actually a mental disease, then can we heal as a species. Until then, we have heroes standing up to say no to such ridiculousness.
I know that was heavy. Time for some comic relief: Trump’s Face Has Been Turned Into Summer Fashion Items!