As war wages on in Ukraine, the images continue to get worse. The accounts from the people on the ground are horrific. Talks between Ukraine and Russia are not getting any closer to ending the violence. Is there a peaceful solution here? It’s looking doubtful. Many leaders of other countries wanted the Nobel Peace Prize Committee to consider President Zelensky as a candidate for the prize.
Even through all of the damage and destruction and heartbreak that the people of Ukraine have endured and continue to face, they have all come together to stop Russian forces and help each other through the terror. President Zelensky has been doing everything he can to protect his people and stop the Russian invasion as well. For this and many other reasons, many leaders of other countries want Zelensky to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Though the deadline has passed, many wanted the committee to extend it until the end of March, usually, it’s the end of January.
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When asking the committee about extending the deadline, they responded:
“Generally speaking, the Committee cannot extend the Nobel Peace Prize nomination period, which expired on January 31. However, commission members have the right to nominate their candidates before the commission’s first formal annual meeting.”
Olav Njolstad
Some excerpts from the letter to the committee were really compelling:
“We are witness to the courage of the people of Ukraine withstanding this war waged upon them by the Russian Federation. Brave Ukrainian men and women are fighting to preserve democracy and self-government. From the defiant democratically-elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the man with tears in his eyes saying goodbye to his family to fight for his country, people all over Ukraine are rising up to resist the forces of authoritarianism. We believe that now is the time to show the people of Ukraine that the world is on their side.”
European World Leaders
Hopefully, there is some kind of end in sight to this war and assault on humanity. It seems like only time will tell though. Meanwhile, Putin continues his attacks on Ukraine and all the allies.