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After saying that a female Dalai Lama has to be attractive, the Dalai Lama has received backlash from many people around the world.
During a conversation with BBC News Reporter Rajini Vaidyanathan, the Dalai Lama said:
“If a female Dalai Lama comes, she should be more attractive. If not, “people, I think, prefer not see her, that face.”
The reporter asked, “It’s about who you are inside, isn’t it?”
Yes, I think both,” he said. “Real beauty is inner beauty, that’s true. But we’re human beings. I think the appearance is also important.”
The religious leader also suggested that most people would prefer not to look at a “dead face” and argued that women in the public eye should wear makeup.
In a world where women are fighting to become so much more than a “pretty face” it is easy to see why so many would be angry at the Dalai Lama’s words. I’m sure that the Dalai Lama means well when talking about a potential female successor, but it is easy to see why he is receiving so much backlash at a time like this.
The world has been fighting for women to step up and be leaders, but it is hard when you have people making comments like this. But we also have to remember, how many of us would take a woman seriously if she didn’t look nice or professional or like she knew what was actually going on? Not defending the Dalai Lama, but maybe we should look at why he said those comments instead of what he said. He may very well have a point. Just a thought.